Posts made in August 2018

Three Reasons Why Getting New Glasses is Vital

Optical Equipment RepairGlasses are an expensive investment and vital for all people with vision issues. We have put together a list of three reasons why everyone should get new glasses:

  • Chronic Headaches – Did you know that one of the leading reasons people have chronic headaches is that they need glasses? It does not matter if your vision seems fine, people who get regular headaches – including migraines – should have their vision checked to ensure that it is not the reason why the headaches are occurring.
  • Scratched Lenses – Scratching your lenses is awful. No matter where you look, you are going to have to have a little scratch in your eyes, causing your vision to shift and making you strain to see. The moment you have scratched your lenses is the moment you should get new glasses.
  • Old Glasses – How long have you had your glasses? Even if your prescription has not changed, you should invest in new glasses. It is likely that you are missing out on exciting innovations like UV protection and glare reduction.

The team at Servi-Stat, LLC, wants to help you improve your office. In addition to offering new and used optometry equipment, our company provides dependable optical equipment repair services.

Catering to Your Patients

Ophthalmic EquipmentTaking good care of your patients is very important to any medical professional. The team at Servi-Stat, LLC, is ready to help. Here is some excellent advice to help you improve your patient experience:

  • Talk to Your Patients – The easiest way to cater to your patients is to speak with them about their needs to ensure that they are happy with their experience. With the right rapport, your patients will have no problem telling you what they like and dislike when seen by you or a member of your team.
  • Offer Post-Care Surveys – Some patients have trouble speaking their mind in person, so you can provide them with the opportunity to fill out a survey after they have been to their appointment. In this survey, you can allow a spot for comments, allowing patients to provide you with their real thoughts.
  • Listen to Your Patients – After your patients have told you what they liked and disliked about their experience, take this information and do what you can to better their experience. Start with the most significant opportunities and the simple changes.

Update and improve your office today with ophthalmic equipment from our business. We are proud to offer a wide array of new and pre-owned equipment for your business needs.